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Our Staff

Name Position Division
Mme V Carrièrre Principal
Mr. K Narbett Vice Principal
Mrs. B Davidson Senior Administrative Assistant
Mrs. K Parmar Administrative Assistant
Ms. K Powell Teacher 1
Mme L Bourlon Teacher 2
Ms. B Li Teacher 3
Mr. A Genge Teacher 4
Mme K Stroh Teacher 5
Mr. L Cheng Teacher 6
Ms. S Wyatt Teacher 7
Mme L Chang Dar Woon Teacher 8
Mme S Dewji Teacher 9
Ms. A Lau Teacher 10
Ms. S House Teacher 11
Mme S Watson Teacher 12
Mrs. A Sunstrum Teacher 13
Mme A Sandhu Teacher 14
Ms. B Yip Teacher 15
Ms. J Wang Teacher 16
Mme A Szeto Teacher 17
Ms. K Fedoruk Librarian
Mr. K Wiens Band Teacher
Ms. H Bansal Resource/ELL Teacher
Mme C Billinger Resource/ELL Teacher
Ms. M Kullman Resource/ELL Teacher
Ms. S Kwak Resource/ELL Teacher
Ms. S Gupta Resource/ELL Teacher
Mme R Taub Resource/ELL Teacher
Mme A Packer Resource
Mme D Azoun Education Assistant
Ms. L Blaney Education Assistant
Ms. J Chuang Education Assistant
Ms. L Dash Education Assistant
Ms. Z Dean Education Assistant
Mrs. L Edwards Education Assistant
Mr. J Fung Education Assistant
Ms. B Leung Education Assistant
Mrs. J MacFarlane Education Assistant
Mrs. R Manalac Education Assistant
Ms. S McMillan Education Assistant
Mrs. H Mehat Education Assistant
Ms. S Rizwan Education Assistant
Ms. M Shum Education Assistant
Ms. J Virk Education Assistant
Ms. L White Education Assistant
Ms. N Weaver-Steeves Education Assistant
Ms. M Leung Noon Hour Supervisor
Mrs. J Renshi Noon Hour Supervisor
Ms. S Virk Noon Hour Supervisor
Mr. A Juric Counsellor
Ms. G Freiwirth Speech and Language Pathologist
Ms. S Gasoi Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments
Mr. T O'Toole Hearing Resource Teacher
Ms. M Chan Psychologist
Ms. A Elshafi Settlement Worker in Schools
Mr. J Campbell Aboriginal Support
Ms. J Tye IST Consultant