
Narrowing Our Focus

In our June Professional Development Day, staff came together for discussion around narrowing down our school-wide focus. After reviewing discussion notes and student survey responses from our May Professional Development Day, three themes emerged as possible areas of focus for the 2021-2022 school year: 1) Arts; 2) Community and Connections; 3) Showing Our Learning in a Variety of Ways. While we had hoped to come to some concensus as a staff on a school-wide focus by the end of the day, it became clear to us that we needed more time to think about and discuss these three themes. When we return in the Fall, we plan to survey students around these three themes to gain more student input. We will then look at the survey results on our September Professional Development Day and combine that information with our own observations to cretae our School Focus for the 2021-2022 school year.

Updated: Tuesday, November 30, 2021